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  • #168416

    Loving the Enfold theme so far but have a minor issue I’ve not been able to solve.

    I’m using Enfold v2.2 and have created a sortable portfolio page here… however the sortable menu/links are not showing. You can see that they are there if you use Firebug but they’re invisible otherwise.

    I’ve used this code to insert the portfolio grid:
    `[av_portfolio categories='31,32,33,34' columns='3' items='15' contents='title' preview_mode='auto' image_size='portfolio' linking='' sort='yes' paginate='no']

    There are a total of 5 portfolio items – 1 is assigned to category id 31, 2 to cat id 32, 1 to cat id 33 & 1 to cat id 34 and so there are definitely options there which need sorting.

    Any ideas please?


    Hey Pictori!

    Please add this on your custom.css or Quick CSS:

    #js_sort_items {
    visibility: visible;
    font-size: 12px;

    Remove browser cache then reload the page.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Ismael – this has made them visible however it doesn’t actually sort them:


    Any ideas? It would be nice to get this feature working :-)



    I’m not seeing any errors that would explain it not working but if you can first try deactivating all currently active plugins and see if that helps. While deactivated, go ahead and update the theme by either using the built in theme updater in the theme options or via FTP.

    For a quick guide on updating your theme take a look at this video on updating the Enfold theme via FTP:

    Best regards,

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