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  • #850663
    Fayca ROUFKI


    I would like to buy one of your themes and I like your one page theme and I want to duplicate it for other pages that I have in my website (for example and, Do you think it’s possible?

    Best regards,


    Hey Fayca ROUFKI,

    Thanks for your interest in our theme. Yes it’s possible, if you enable debug mode in order to see shortcodes:, you can then copy/paste the shortcode to any page you want.

    Best regards,

    Fayca ROUFKI

    Thank you Rikard, But when I click your link the page os NOT FOUND – 404.




    Ok, that doesn’t happen on my end. You can try to copy this URL into your browser:

    Best regards,

    Fayca ROUFKI


    I do always don’t get it, when i do this link “” I have your documentation page.
    When I do the whole link (Purchase code hidden if logged out) / I have page not found
    When I do only the link (Purchase code hidden if logged out) I have page not found.

    Could you just copy the things that you want to tell me and paste them here or give me a real link, and I have looked in your tutorials and there is nothing in as what you say.

    Best regards,



    Sure thing, not sure why you can’t access it though.

    The Advanced Layout Builder saves its content separately from the content in the visual editor so that there is less chance of a small error causing your whole layout to an error. Sometimes however you may want to see the shortcodes that are building your content exactly so that you can copy and paste them elsewhere or something more advanced like nesting elements that don’t quite have support yet.

    To do this, you need to enable the debug field for the Advanced Layout Builder. Adding the following to your child theme functions.php will do that:

    //set builder mode to debug
    add_action('avia_builder_mode', "builder_set_debug");
    function builder_set_debug()
    	return "debug";

    You should now see a new field under the Advanced Layout Builder with the live output of the elements as you add them using the drag and drop interface. Just be careful of editing things in that field as there are no checks or automatic corrections for missing punctuation or code.

    If you are not using a child theme you need to add the above function after this line in the theme functions.php:

    if(isset($avia_config['use_child_theme_functions_only'])) return;

    Best regards,

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