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  • #1244950

    Hello, this is not a support request but a issue/’bug’ report.

    I have discovered a very specific use case which causes the page builder to break. On a cPanel server using Mod Security with the COMODO WAF ruleset, if you include the word ‘Get’, ‘Post’ or ‘Head’ (I haven’t tried other known http request words) at the beginning of a page builder element the builder will break and fail to load. When this happens, WordPress returns a 403 error from /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. After some investigation it transpires that Enfold is triggering rule 217280 in the COMODO WAF ruleset (HTTP Request Smuggling Attack). My server runs LiteSpeed.

    You can replicate this on a server using the Comodo ruleset with a fresh WP install (5.5.1) and the latest default Enfold theme (

    Add page
    Choose ‘Advanced Layout Builder’
    Add a ‘Text Block’ content element.
    Leave default text
    Save page
    >> The page will reload correctly displaying the content
    Click the ‘Text Block’ you added above
    Edit the content and add the word ‘Get’ at the beginning of the text
    Save the text
    Update the page
    >> The page builder will fail to load and WP will return a 403 error

    The Mod Security rule is only triggered when using Enfold, not any of the standard WP themes.

    You can workaround the issue by disabling rule 217280 in your .htaccess file:

    <IfModule mod_security2.c>
    SecRuleRemoveByID 217280

    I have read of plugins that had the same issue and fixed it and it would be better not to have to disable the rule just because of Enfold.

    Maybe you can consider this as a bug report or at least it might help someone in the future who is experiencing 403 error from /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php when running Mod Security and the Comodo ruleset.



    Hey Rustybucket,

    Thanks for reporting, this is a known problem though:

    This is a rare case but if typing certain words, such as “get” or “include“, in Text Block element breaks it after saving, there might be a modsec rule in firewall settings causing this issue.

    This is a security measure taken by hosting providers and it is not a theme issue. You can contact your hosting providers and ask them to whitelist those words and that should fix the issue.

    Best regards,

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