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  • #23809

    hi there,

    Ive managed to lock the ‘fixed’ menu and stop it from doing the shrink effect when you scroll the page. How do I now reset the drop down menu line spacing to the right line height as the following code fixes the ‘shrink effect’ but messes up the line depth on the rollover drop down (see ‘ABOUT’ on dummy menu)

    the code that locked the menu is….

    strong.logo img, #header_main .container, .main_menu ul:first-child > li a {

    height: 60px !important;

    line-height: 60px !important;

    padding-top:3px !important;






    Your website is on maintenance mode.




    Hiya Ismael,

    I was told too by Nick!!! should I take it off so you can look at it or can you tell me how I give you access?



    Hi there….

    I dont know how to give you access with it on so Ive just turned it off. Im not familiar with setting up maintenance which is why ive been working locally.

    Anyway, its off now.

    Can you help me?




    Hey Andy,

    You just need to change that css to:

    strong.logo img, #header_main .container, .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a {
    height: 60px !important;
    line-height: 60px !important;
    padding-top:3px !important;

    which will prevent it from effecting the sub menus.




    Hi There,

    Phew! Thought I was going mad!

    Menu looks great in full screen mode on my mac but looks terrible on IOS devices.

    *** Here’s whats happening when responsive mode kicks in***

    a) Logo doesn’t scale

    b) Lines above the menu (on right) don’t turn of when the responsive menu appears – overlaps right across top

    c) In some instances (namely portrait mode on ipad) I end up with both menu’s appearing at same time

    d) The slide out menu now has a nasty ‘thick’ line across it (need to lose that)

    Darn it…. Have I really gone and broke it dis time?!!




    The border on the menu is from this css:

    #top .main_menu {
    height: 27px;
    border-bottom-color: #5e5957 !important;
    border-bottom-width: 1px;
    border-bottom-style: solid !important;

    Just remember when you add new css for the desktop, you need to remove that styling if you dont’ want it on the content below.

    Or, add your desktop only styles to a media query that will make them only show on a desktop. Something like:

    Add styles inside the media query below that you only want to be applied to the desktop layout of your site */

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    /* Desktop styles go here */





    Big Thanks – Very useful to know. That explains allot. Im on a massive learning curve but im getting there slowly

    Cheers Devin


    All sorted thx – consider this resolved!

    Big thanks

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