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  • #923188

    I have a problem – the solution must be simple, but I just can not find a solution.
    I use the Enfold Theme “Child” – There are various settings in the menu “General Settings”. The color of the links should be changed there. Via “Primary Color” (Font color for links, dropcaps and other elements) and “Highlight Color” (Secondary color for link an button hover, etc)
    The problem is: If I change the color values, all values change and all colored highlights have the same color.
    This is especially annoying for “Bold” and “Links”.
    The user can not distinguish whether it is a text mark or a clickable link.
    Of course this contradicts every usability. Maybe it’s a problem of “Enfold Child”, but I just can not find a way to change that. May be it’s necessary, to change the color of the links outside of “Enfold Child”. Who knows advice? “Bold Text” one color – Link Text an other color.
    Thanks in advance!


    Hey Pronto-Business_123,

    If all you need is bold text to be a separate color from link text than this is something that can be done via css. Is this a correct understanding of the problem?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,
    thank you for your answer. Yes, this is the correct understanding. Hm, I’m not able to edit the css. Okay, it seem to be a problem not many people have ;-)
    Best regards



    The CSS can be adjusted via quick css in Enfold Option > General sections. If you have a link to the site we should be able to give you the classes.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    That’s very nice of you, Jordan. But the project is still on a development platform that is not public. I may come back to your offer in a few days.
    Until then I wish you a good time – Thx again
    Best regards



    No problem, we’ll await your update.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi, I’m having the same issue with the bold text and link text being the same color. I’ve tried adding:
    strong {
    color: #000;
    under general styling – quick CSS, but it doesn’t change.
    I’m also working on a staging server, so just getting a code snippet would really help. Might be a change for the Enfold theme for the future… Link text color should definitely be able to be distinctly different.

    Thanks for any help in advance!



    Add the following to the VERY TOP of quick css so that it runs first:

    p strong{

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Perfect, thanks that worked great!


    Hey ceart,

    Great! I’m glad I was able to help. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    I have also spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to make link text a different color from bold text in the content areas of the site. As Jorg says in his original post, that design goes against every W3C guideline since the beginning of the web.

    I hope you can change the Enfold Theme Options so those two things can be set separately. It’s kind of crazy that it needs to be “corrected” using CSS.


    Hi bbarasa,

    You can set the colour of the strong tag under Enfold->Advanced Styling.

    Best regards,

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