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  • #925630

    Hi Yigit am busy setting my Enfold theme and see that on the WprdPress menu there is an option called Layer Slider WP. Was that part of the Enfold download ,as a slider is mentioned in the Enfold setup notes? It requires activation so can you advise on this? Best Alan


    Hey zuus_3802,

    Yes, Enfold comes bundled with a basic version of the LayerSlider. It should be ready for use upon the theme install. You do not need to activate the layerslider in order to use it, just for a few special features of the slider. If you would like to use them you would need to buy the slider on Codecanyon and then enter the purchase code for the layerslider.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan thanks for the feedback all sorted out now! Best Alan


    Hi Alan,

    Great, glad we could help. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    I know that this is not on topic but could not get onto your support site to raise another Ticket ……..
    Hi Yigit – I have a few questions regarding the ENFOLD theme. Be great if you can help out. Have watched the videos but did not spot an answer there?
    Best Alan


    Hey zuus_3802,

    If possible, please begin another ticket for the additional questions. This is simply to help keep topics organized here in the forums. You should be able to start a new topic now.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi – Yes sorry about that. I just could not get onto the Support page.
    I have a few questions regarding the ENFOLD theme. Be great if you can help out. Have watched the videos but did not spot an answer there?
    1. You will not e if you look at the test site below that when scrolling down my logo disappears and is replaced by the ENFOLD logo. I did not spot how to handle that?
    2. You will also see that the shopping cart is stuck part way into the menu bar. I need to place it into a different location and make it larger.
    Thanks for any help you can give.
    Best Alan



    Go to the Theme OPTIONS, GENERAL. There you upload your logo. You don’t have to put one in the transparency area if you don’t want to.
    You can also select Under HEADER section. If you want your logo to resize or not.
    Once you put in your logo, the enfold one will disappear,.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi thanks for the assistance Jordan.

    With regard to question 2. “You will also see that the shopping cart is stuck part way into the menu bar. I need to place it into a different location and make it larger.” Any tips there?

    Thanks for any help you can give.
    Best Alan



    Whats the exact location you need to move it to?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Thanks for coming back to me Jordan.
    I want to place it in line with “View” and “Set Default Sort Order” on the Shop page, about 2 centimeters to the left of “Set Default Sort Order”.
    Is this something I can do or do you have to do it? In case it has to be done from your side below are my site Login Credentials.
    Best Regards


    Hi Jordan ………. any feed back for me? Best Alan



    I can’t find the cart icon in the header. Did you remove it? Please use the following css code to adjust the position of the search icon.

    #menu-item-search a {
        top: -28px;
        position: relative;
        right: 20px;

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael
    Thanks for the response. Yes the icon is still there. I have checked on two other computers and found that it is not always there but will suddenly appear sitting half in and half out of the black menu bar on the left. It is only about 4 millimeters high (a ghost icon!!)

    It could well be a problem with EasyCart so I will contact them. Will let you know what they say.




    Hi Ismael yes it was part of EasyCart clashing with Enfold. Has now been resolved via EasyCart settings. Thanks for your continued assistance. Best Alan
    We can close the ticket



    Awesome! Glad that it is fixed. Please feel free to open a new thread if you need anything else. :)

    Best regards,

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