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  • #1263010

    Hello everyone,
    I want to reduce the Excerpt length of the Enfold Latest-News Sidebar Widget und put a “read more” link under it, that links to the respective blog post. I tried various recommended solutions, like PHP Snippets or installing the “Advanced Excerpt Plugin”. Sadly nothing seems to work. Can you please help me?

    Thanks in advance.


    Can somebody help?


    well there is a more complex way of having a substituted edited : class-framework-widgets.php
    on that it will be possible to have the Read more insert translatable with avia_framework.

    but a fast way is to put this in child-theme functions.php:
    on my opinion it will be better to shorten the amount of words in that excerpt than to have letter shortening.

    function custom_news_excerpt(){
        function trimByWord(sentence,wordcount = 5) {
            var result = sentence;
            var resultArray = result.split(" ");
            if(resultArray.length > wordcount){
            resultArray = resultArray.slice(0, wordcount);
            result = resultArray.join(" ");
            return result;
            $('.news-content').each(function() {
            	 var newsLink = $(this).find('.news-link').attr('href');
                 $(this).find('.news-excerpt').text(function(index, currentText) {
                    return trimByWord(currentText);
                 $(this).find('.news-excerpt').append('<div class="read-more-link"><a class="more-link" href="'+newsLink+'">Read more<span class="more-link-arrow"></span></a></div>');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_news_excerpt');

    here is the edited class-framework-widgets.php
    see lines 1020ff
    Pastebin Link

    then you only need the excerpt shortener in additon to this:

    function custom_news_excerpt(){
        function trimByWord(sentence,wordcount = 5) {
            var result = sentence;
            var resultArray = result.split(" ");
            if(resultArray.length > wordcount){
            resultArray = resultArray.slice(0, wordcount);
            result = resultArray.join(" ");
            return result;
            $('.news-content').each(function() {
            	 var newsLink = $(this).find('.news-link').attr('href');
                 $(this).find('.news-excerpt').text(function(index, currentText) {
                    return trimByWord(currentText);
    add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_news_excerpt');
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