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  • #597235

    I’ve installed wordpress locally for developing
    I want to import a demo for enfold theme
    I go to theme option, select the demo, click “click to import” and I get an error “Importing didnt work!
    You might want to try reloading the page and then try again”

    Can I get some help?




    Hey lexiamatic!

    Thanks for using Enfold!

    Please try to increase the wordpress php memory limit. Refer to this link: http://dailyblogging.org/wordpress/increase-wordpress-memory-limit/

    Let me know the outcome and if you need further assistance.



    Hi there, it’s been a silly question :D
    I did actually just fixed it the same way you pointed out, increase php memory limit
    Thanks anyway for the very fast answear




    Please let us know if we can help you out, with anything else.


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