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  • #323019


    Sorry if this has been covered before, but I’m getting some issues with all the media Enfold is generating when importing images.
    The clients web space is running out of disk space, and this is before we even started on building a (Woocommerce) web store ;-)

    So, How can I reduce the amount of images generated? Can I easily change this in the functions.php file, and if so, what effects will this have on further adding images? And of the existing images in the Media Library?

    cheers for any tips, web links and such.



    Hi RobWu!

    You can yes, but its typically far cheaper to add more server space than it is to increase bandwidth.

    This plugin allows you to easily modify image sizes http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/simple-image-sizes/

    Or you can hard delete theme from the functions.php file.



    Hi Devin,

    Thanks for the reply! Unfortunately expanding hosting server space isn’t an option, as the packages don’t support that…. :-\
    So I’ll have to do with what’s there…

    I’ll see if I just add to the functions.php in the child theme, that’s the quickest way I guess.





    Do you mind if we take a look at the website? Is this only use as an online shop page? You can delete the thumbnail sizes on functions.php, look for this code:

     * Register additional image thumbnail sizes
     * Those thumbnails are generated on image upload!
     * If the size of an array was changed after an image was uploaded you either need to re-upload the image
     * or use the thumbnail regeneration plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/

    Below are list of generated thumbnail size. Delete those that you don’t need.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Unfortunately, you can’t deactivate them via child theme. However, you can use this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-image-sizes/

    Set the width and height of the thumbnails that you don’t need to zero. Save changes. All images that you upload will ignore this thumbnail size.



    Thanks! Much appreciated.

    I’ll see whether I’ll tinker with the images code, or use a plugin.



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