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  • #1142562

    I’m planning to purchase new enfold licence for new website. I created few websites already with Enfold and i love it.

    Is it possible to achieve something like on the print screen? Basically I need to add few logos (images) at the top of the website above the logo. I suspect I could use header widget but I want to make sure I will be able to achieve that look before making a purchase. Thank you

    logos above main logo

    logos above main logo

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by ilonka78.

    Hey ilonka78,

    Well, you will need to add the custom code to the header file, you cannot add widgets there with Enfold out of the box.

    Best regards,


    So what is the header widget intended to do? I was sure I can activate header widget and add images there.
    Thank you


    Hi ilonka78,

    Yes, you can add the custom widget area in the header, but it will not show up in the meta header bar.

    Best regards,


    Where it will show up? Between meta header bar and logo? That would still work for my design. Thanks again

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by ilonka78.

    Hi, ilonka78

    Great, then you can use this article to add the header widget area

    Then make widgets and assign to it.

    Best regards,

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