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  • #1018558

    Following your last post : “We will change the data format of the builder and get rid of the shortcode structure in the long run to be able to improve the builder the way we would like” — does it mean that all pages built with initial Enfold shortcodes will need to be redone ?
    Or the old shortcodes will remain functional under WP 5.0 with Gutenberg and so the old pages will remain alive ?

    BTW, do you know when Automatic plans the upgrade to 5.0 ?


    Hey Anton,

    WordPress 5 should not affect pages already built with the Enfold builder. The release date for 5.0 is planned for November 19 this year:

    Best regards,


    Hello again,

    and the new Enfold version “We will change the data format of the builder and get rid of the shortcode structure in the long run to be able to improve the builder the way we would like” will not affect pages already built as well ?



    I’m not sure of that yet, but we will of course strive for backwards compatibility. It would be a bit unfair to all our users otherwise :-)
    But that is not in the near future anyway. We are looking to rebuild the entire Layout Builder, and it won’t be finished over night.

    Best regards,


    Ok, the last question:
    are you going to adapat Enfold to the WP 5.0 in Novemeber, so we can use Enfold page builder which is unusable with Gutenberg for the moment ?
    Thank you



    Yes, our team is working around the clock to get all the things been worked properly.
    We do appreciate the patience and the time you spend with Enfold and for helping us get better.

    Best regards,


    And I appreciate your work.
    Thank you.
    You can close the thread


    Hi you all,

    Interesting conversation. I wonder if there is more information today about this?
    I’m installing a new site with Enfold and I’am getting a bit worried reading all this messages about this item.
    Do I need to install a plugin now, or is this not necessary anymore?

    Kind regards,



    Hi Els,

    We are working on support for WordPress 5.0/Gutenberg.

    Best regards,

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