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  • #1006191
    incognita anonima

    Hello and congratulations for the support.
    I consider Enfold the wordpress theme par excellence and I can only confirm the praises that your customer weaves.
    But I would like to underline one thing and ask for help.
    Despite the general purpose potential of the theme, I consider it to be lacking in a perhaps essential peculiarity, that of managing profiles and their physical and professional characteristics (examples of advertising agencies, actors, etc.), just to be clear as “scent, angels, guild, lavan, cating or actors and more others”. I find that the portfolio part is instead very well developed and I ask you: “It is I who have not been able to exploit the potential of Enfold, failing to develop pages for the management of models, actors, etc, or confirm that Enfold not it is properly indicated for this application and, in this case, you could tell me a theme, I do not say as Enfold, but equally performing and reliable, for this type of applications? ”
    Thank you in advance


    Hey Alessio,

    Thanks for reaching out. I think you should be able to use Enfold for model agency content as well as anything else really. What exactly do you think is lacking in the theme and which elements have you been using so far?

    Best regards,

    incognita anonima
    This reply has been marked as private.
    incognita anonima

    Dear Rikard,
    thank you for your replay.
    I think that in Enfold there is the possibility to create a page for model profile.
    I can create a portfolio page (one page with all my work, with link at the photo of my work, without description, characteristic, video, audio, and more). I need create one page with all my models with the possibility for the visitors to choice my models for example by sex, or by nationality, language, etc, and go at the profile page of the models with many personal pictures, movie, description, etc.
    Sorry for my bad English.
    I think that the best idea for my necessity (of my customer) you can see in the them by themeforest scent, angels, guild, lavan, cating or actors.
    (you can go in theme forest and search “model agency”)
    My customer ask me buy scent theme, but I prefer will buy Enfold, but I do not sure that I can solve this problem.


    Hi Alessio,

    Thanks for the feedback. Enfold doesn’t have elements specific to exactly what you are looking for, but if you want a presentation of all your portfolio items then maybe you could try to use the Portfolio Grid element to present them? There is also the option to use the Team Member element if that should fit your needs better?

    Best regards,

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