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  • #29285

    I just purchased Enfold last week and am very excited about rolling it out on my site because of its great features, but I have come across a full-stop issue in that every events manager plugin I’ve tried to use with Enfold causes a “white screen” error in which no part of the site loads at all (and I have to back it out of the system and go back to my current theme.)

    The plugins I’ve tried are:

    Events Manager Extended (Franky Van Liedekerke) (my current setup)

    Events Made Easy (Franky Van Liedekerke)

    Events Manager (Marcus Sykes)

    TheatreCMS Lite (Scott Shumaker)

    I also have the same problem with Twitter Widget Pro, though I wasn’t planning on running it with Enfold so it’s deactivated before activating Enfold.

    I’m running WP 3.6 and have tested it with all plugins deactivated, and don’t have the issue with any other theme I’ve tried.

    Help? Ideas?



    Try to increase the allocated php memory to 128M: by editing wp-config.php

    Best regards,


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