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  • #444910

    hi on the full width easy slider the caption title by default for text is given a h2 tag

    How can I change this so it is a H1 tag?


    Hi codecreative!

    Please go to Enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes folder and open slideshow.php file and find

    if(trim($title) != "")   $title 	= "<h2 {$title_styling} class='avia-caption-title' $markup_name>".trim(apply_filters('avf_slideshow_title', $title))."</h2>";

    and change h2 tags as needed

    Best regards,


    Hi and what happens if I update the theme ?

    Will this revert?

    Can I do this via child theme functions file?



    If you keep the changes on parent theme, it will be overwritten when you update the theme.
    Yes, you can move the changes to your child theme. Please refer to this post –

    Best regards,


    Followed Yigit’s instructions and it didn’t work.
    In fact slideshow.php doesn’t contain an <h2> at all. It has an <h4> instead. I suspect these are out of date instructions for an earlier version of the theme.

    slideshow_feature_image.php has an <h2> which I changed to ‘<h1>’ in my child theme
    the changes do not affect the slider. It stays as an h2.
    There is no caching at fault here.

    This is bad for the site’s SEO and it’s definitely suffering as a result. A fix is needed.



    Edit the av-helper-slideshow.php file instead. Look for this code around line 422:

    if(trim($title) != "")   $title 	= "<h2 {$title_styling} class='avia-caption-title' $markup_name>".trim(apply_filters('avf_slideshow_title', $title))."</h2>";

    Best regards,


    That solved it. (Also had to change shortcodes.css)

    You guys should make an option to select whether the slider content should be in h1 or h2 from within the wp-admin



    Please do not hestitate to post that as a feature request for Kriesi!
    Thanks a lot for your pointing it out.

    Please feel free to open a new ticket if needed.


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