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  • #1343921

    We have a website with the Enfold contact form on a contact page and we copied the Avia code for the form and placed it in a footer text widget. The form in the footer is on a blue background where the fonts are all white. But the input field background color for the form and we want the input text color to be black. Custom css was added and it works in Chrome but on Firefox and Edge the font color is still white. I can’t figure out how to get it to work. Any suggestions?


    Hey GWS,

    Can you try adding this CSS code in Quick CSS:

    #top .footer_color .input-text, 
    #top .footer_color input[type='text'], 
    #top .footer_color input[type='input'], 
    #top .footer_color input[type='password'], 
    #top .footer_color input[type='email'], 
    #top .footer_color input[type='number'], 
    #top .footer_color input[type='url'], 
    #top .footer_color input[type='tel'], 
    #top .footer_color input[type='search'], 
    #top .footer_color textarea, 
    #top .footer_color select {
        color: black;

    Best regards,


    Thanks, but that doesn’t seem to work. The font is still white in the contact form widget on Firefox, Edge and also mobile. What am I missing?


    Thanks for the feedback, it looks like the above css has added with the color white:
    please check, if it has been added as Nikko posted above then include admin login in the Private Content area so we can investigate.

    Best regards,


    Thanks, Mike. I couldn’t find that custom css but added ‘important’ to the color in the input css and that corrected the problem. Thank you for your help. You can consider this issued resolved. :)

    #top .footer_color .input-text,
    #top .footer_color input[type=’text’],
    #top .footer_color input[type=’input’],
    #top .footer_color input[type=’password’],
    #top .footer_color input[type=’email’],
    #top .footer_color input[type=’number’],
    #top .footer_color input[type=’url’],
    #top .footer_color input[type=’tel’],
    #top .footer_color input[type=’search’],
    #top .footer_color textarea,
    #top .footer_color select {
    color: black!important;


    Hi GWS,

    We’re glad that we could help :)
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great weekend!

    Best regards,

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