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  • #1118625


    I hope you can help, I’ve been able to customize the contact form to a certain point but some things are still not working:

    1) The right alignment of the top two rows do not align with the message box and need to
    2) The css styling of the submit button isn’t updating in the browser correctly.
    I’d like it to be outlined white with white text, and probably larger in general, then when hovered, have a slightly transparent white BG so that it looks like a lighter red but the white text and outline are still visible – sort of from outlined to filled when hovered over.
    5) If it’s at all possible to update the form filed font to Omnes light, that would be incredible too.

    Thank you SO much for any help in advance. Your support team is truly what makes using your themes the best experience.



    Hey Stephanie,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    1.) This css code should adjust the width of the field columns.

    .avia_ajax_form .form_element_third {
        width: 33.3%;

    2.) Add this css code to change the background color to transparent and add a 1px border around the contact form button.

    .main_color input[type='submit'] {
        background-color: transparent;
        color: white;
        border: 1px solid #ffffff;

    3.) How did you add the font? You should be able to use the css font-family property to apply it to any text element including the contact form button.


    Best regards,


    Thank you Ismael!

    Sorry that I never responded, this worked!




    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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