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  • #1264752

    I have detected an odd problem with Enfold:
    – WP just installed, not plugins at all
    – Enfold uploaded
    – When I activate Enfold, public website speed goes as down as hell (10 seconds for first 200 response in any link). If I swap to WP default themes, public site goes extremely quick again (obviously, good server and empty site).
    – When I reactivate Enfold BUT deactivate CSS and JS file mergin and compression options, public website goes quick again. Almost as quick as using twenty twenty.

    … I think mergin options should work inverse of that :)

    Environment data:
    – BBDD Maria Db 10.1
    – WP 5.5.3
    – Enfold august 2020 version
    – Website not published (dns not set public, using windows hosts archive mod for working on it)


    Hey bdszaragoza,

    Sorry for the problem. Is there some way in which we can access your site in order to test it?

    Best regards,

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