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  • #1035975

    For some reason any styles I add to my child theme do not work. If I put the same styles in the Quick CSS section they do not work or if I add it to the style.css and refresh – nothing is changing. I can edit the CSS in LiveStyle in Chrome and I see the changes. I save the CSS file to server and reload screen, changes no longer there. I open the CSS file again and everything is there but the styles are not applied to the site. I copy and paste to Quick Styles in theme options.

    The CSS file for the child theme seems like being loaded from Enfold dynamic CSS version that I have no control of
    <link rel=’stylesheet’ id=’avia-merged-styles-css’ href=’; type=’text/css’ media=’all’ />

    Please I need to know why the style.css and your Quick CSS in theme options are not working? and how can I solve this?
    The cache is off and the website has your latest theme and the latest WP version.


    Hey Latif,

    If you have css merging enabled you and you add code to styles.css, you need to disable and enable merging again so that the files are generated and merged again.

    Best regards,


    I have tried to disable and enable the CSS and I still see the same problem. Any changes you add to style.css in Enfold Child theme or Quick CSS from theme options are not applying towards the website. If I do the same CSS changes in Chrome browser tools or Firefox, these changes apply and when you take the same codes, copy and paste and add them to my style.css or the Quick CSS, the codes don’t apply…

    I have no control over the CSS. Enfold theme is restricting the use of CSS and it seems like it is getting it from
    <link rel=’stylesheet’ id=’avia-merged-styles-css’ href=’’ type=’text/css’ media=’all’ />



    You do not need to add the changes ther.
    You either add them to the Custom CSS file or you apply them to the a child theme.

    Best regards,

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