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  • #1162415

    Usually price is shown underneath Product names on the Single Product Page of Woocommerce. When it is a Bundled or Variable Product and you choose a Bundle or Variation the price switches position underneath the dropdown field (the backgroound of that div slides down to make room for the whole price information). Unfortunality that is not happening on Safari Browser (iMACs as well as on iPhones).

    That is a mayor error and has to be solved fast. We checked already anything on our custom CSS and so on but couldnt find any problem in there.

    I hope you guys can help fast as christmas business is running and around half of our customers will be for sure Apple users :(

    website which we are talking about:
    enfold-child with customizations in functions and stylsheet
    example product regarding that problem:
    (Login credentials are in private content)

    Thanks in advance



    There was a JS error. I replaced /enfold/js/avia-snippet-cookieconsent.js file with this one – and now it is working fine. Could you please flush browser cache and check once again? :)

    We have fixed this issue and it will be included in Enfold 4.6.4.

    Also i noticed that you have 3 Enfold parent themes installed and 2 of them are version 4.5.5. Please delete those old versions :)

    Best regards,


    After Browser flush it is now working. Thanks a lot.

    The Enfold parents where a fallback.. as we modified a lot CSS in 4.5.5 and after update to 4.6.3 there was a lot of our CSS not anymore “ok” as it seems you changed some classes ;) but i updated our own CSS stylsheet and it is ok now. so i could delete the old parents ;)



    You are welcome! :)

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here –
    If you have any other questions or issues, feel free to start a new thread under Enfold sub forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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