Tagged: Blog, enfold, post, post navigation, wpml
August 8, 2019 at 12:49 pm #1125931
Hi there, you can also respond in german.
We are creating our website http://www.childrenoflumera.com with the Enfold theme,
first of all, its very great!But for the Blog functions we have some problems:
1. In the “Blog” Page i inserted the Layout Element 1/1 and added the “Blog Post” element. Inside the “Blog Post” there is a option for setting the post number. (display per page) But that doesn´t work. Even if i set the number very high, the blog section is showing just a few of them with the option to switch to page 2. I want as many of them in one page.
2. Post navigation is very subtle (a very bright grey) and is not seen very well. is there a custom css how to change the colour to a darker grey?
also… the arrows are on the very right and left border of the screen (also left and right to the picture we are showing) is there a option to put them somehow to another position?3. Post navigation is not showing on mobile, tablets…. i think this is the biggest problem, because in mobile there is no option to switch between posts. there is even no button to go back to the blog overview page… so you would be stuck in the blogpost
4. We are working with the translation plugin WPML. That is translating everythint from english to german (should do it just with the text)
But it seems that for the Blogsection it removes the blog navigation arrows if we switch the site-language to german.5. When i am writing a blogpost and i am changing some words colour its shown correctly in the post, but not in the blog overview page. (excerp with read more link) there is all text black. (achieved with the “read more tag”)
quite a lot questions :)
i would be really glad if someone could give me a helping hand,
thank you,
danielAugust 11, 2019 at 11:25 pm #1126675Hey maxfox167,
Sorry for the late reply, let us start with post navigation, the css below restores the navigation to the mobile screen and makes it darker:@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .responsive #top .avia-post-nav { display: block !important; } } #top .avia-post-nav { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5) !important; }
For the arrows, when the navigation is closed the arrows are in the center of a small area and when we hover you will note that the arrows stay in that position while the post preview “grows” from it if you would like to try having the arrow to the other side of the image, please try this css:
#top .avia-post-nav:hover.avia-post-prev .label { left: 260px !important; } #top .avia-post-nav:hover.avia-post-next .label { right: 260px !important; }
Please try these codes in the General Styling > Quick CSS field or in the WordPress > Customize > Additional CSS field, Then clear your browser cache and any cache plugin, and check.
I see that you are using Enfold v4.4.1 which had a few issues with the WordPress v5 and WPML, so I recommend upgrading to see if this helps with your other issues. Please try the beta version in the Private Content area because the dev team has fixed a lot of issues recently. The easiest and safest way to do this is to rename your current theme in /wp-content/themes/enfold/ to “enfold-old” via ftp then upload the new “enfold” and check that your site is working correctly.
Once you are happy you can delete the “enfold-old” via ftp, (not the WP theme page)
Should for some reason you wish to roll-back to the old version, it’s easy to do, simply rename the new “enfold” to “enfold-new” via ftp and then rename “enfold-old” to “enfold” then refresh your page.
Please don’t try to overwrite the theme folder, as this will leave old files behind and cause errors.If you don’t feel comfortable with this I can assist, but I will need an admin login & ftp access, then we can see if you still need help with the other issues.
Best regards,
Mike -
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