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  • #650930

    Awesome theme. Will Enfold ever be able to achieve the target 85 or better ranking on PageSpeed? This is becoming increasingly important.


    Hi m,

    I think that is dependent on the content of the site in question, are you referring to any in particular?



    This post seems to indicate that it’s an issue with all Enfold WordPress sites: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/minimalistic-theme-available/.
    I have several sites using Enfold (because it’s a great theme to work with!) and even the small ones don’t pass the Google PageSpeed baseline of 85. In all cases, the biggest warning is “Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content” How can I do that step, or is that just how Enfold currently works?



    That is not an error, you will get that message on any site loading scripts and CSS in the header (without them your site won’t look or function the way it does). Did you check the settings of the plugin to make sure all your resources are included?



    Can we not eliminate this ‘error’ by editing and moving the files to footers (JavaScript, css files, jquery.js, jquery-migrate.min.js, avia-compat.js, google fonts,mediaelementplayer.css)



    If you want your content to render without any styling etc, then yes, but I don’t think you will like the result very much. They are loaded in the header for a good reason, they need to be loaded BEFORE the actual rendering of the page.



    Thanks for explaining. We have addressed the other issues and now have a good PageSpeed. So happy to see that Enfold does permit a good PageSpeed. Thanks again for a great theme!

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