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    I’ve purchased a Comodo SSL certificate for my website ( for my ecommerce business I am launching very shortly. However, I ran into an issue while setting-up my WP with the enfold theme. When I installed the theme and started to incorporate some widgets from both enfold and woocommerce, I noticed that my SSL certificate went from a solid green with a lock icon (using chrome) to a gray lock with a warning sign over it.

    Obviously, hovering over it will indicate to me that the website won’t fully protect all data being processed over my website. This is a huge concern for me since thousands of dollars will be flowing through it and I want my customers to feel secure. I’ve been trying to trouble shoot it by activating/deactivating the theme and widgets but, to no avail.

    Any idea what might be happening? Thanks.


    Fixed. Seems all of my images needed to reference https and not http. A lot of errors were ocurring as they were not secure links (yes, the SSL I have kicked up flags due to them not being HTTPS). Thanks anyway.




    You can generally use this plugin to force all things to run through your ssl cert:


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