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  • #755495

    I’ve upgraded to Enfold 4.0.2 and I’m trying to import the Enfold 2017 demo – I’ve tried this a number of times but after waiting hours nothing has happened and the demo doesn’t get imported.

    Is there a way to check this has worked or troubleshoot this somehow?



    Hey databuzz,
    I see you now have the Enfold 201 demo.
    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,


    I’m also trying to import the Enfold 2017 demo files but it keeps erroring out. How can I resolve this? I tried to uninstall wordpress and reinstall. Uninstalled Enfold and reinstalled. I can download any of the other demo content. But Enfold 2017 demo won’t import. Please help.


    Hi @markshannonsf,

    Please open a new thread and include admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your installation.

    Best regards,


    I cannot get the demo to import either. I have included the login information in the private content. This is not a production site, so you needn’t worry about screwing anything up. It’s purely for testing purposes.


    Hi Trent,

    Thanks for the login details, I imported the demo and it seems to have worked fine. Could you check and verify your site please? If something is still wrong then please try to explain the problem a bit further.

    Best regards,

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