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  • #1211021

    I don´t can use the integrated Gutenberg Editor.
    I can only use the classic Editor or the Advanced Layout Builder.
    Is there an attitudw to make for using Gutenberg?
    Thank you for your Help.


    Hey Fabiansul,

    It just depends on what editor you’re used to using most and what is more convenient for you. So there’s nothing wrong with not using Gutenberg :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Thank you for your help.
    I have solved the problem.
    In the plugins was installed the classic editor plugin.
    After deactivating the plugin, I can work now with Gutenberg


    Hi Fabiansul,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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