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  • #1175179

    Hi There! We had been working on a new website using full-width sliders at the tops of pages. Since updating to 4.7.1 the sliders now show the full image rather than the size we have previously selected (1500 x 630, for example).

    In the settings I have the image on the link in the private content set to 1500px x 430px, but the image is appearing much taller.

    Any ideas why this is happening?

    [There also is some caching issue happening on the site – when I update an item, the change is appearing on the browser where I am signed in, but not on other browsers or incognito, so it is difficult to test adjustments. Any insights here would be great]


    Hey bimsenfold,

    The setting for the image is just selecting the image size to show, not the height of the slider. Do you want to limit it to a certain height?

    Best regards,


    We can close this – we had transferred the site and it looks like some features stopped working properly – we are attempting a different way of migrating everything over.

    Thank you so much for your replies!


    Hi bimsenfold,

    Ok, we are closing this thread, please let us know if you need any help in another thread.

    Best regards,

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