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  • #1170824

    Hi Team,

    after updating several sites to the new beta successfully I still have a problem on one site. I am using these shortcodes in a text widget but the social icons still don’t display as they should:

    [av_social_share style='minimal' buttons='custom' share_facebook='aviaTBshare_facebook' share_twitter='aviaTBshare_twitter' share_linkedin='aviaTBshare_linkedin' share_mail='aviaTBshare_mail' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='' av_uid='av-670mc8']

    What can I do to fix this?



    Hello Thorsten
    Correct, I have the same issue with BETA, using it in text widget in footer. I reported it before xmas. So I hope it will be fixed in following update.
    Best wishes, Milan


    Thank you for reporting this, I have tested with the beta: 4.6.4-beta-2 and the icons are showing correctly, but they are not with 4.6.4-beta-1 so I assume this is the beta you are using.
    So this will be corrected when the update comes out, which should be very shortly after the final round of testing.
    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike,
    If would be possible to get 4.6.4-beta-2 for a quick test, it would be good.
    Anyway, when will be next update available? Today? Tomorrow? Will it be the first week of January as is writte? :)



    Hi Mike,

    I have installed 4.6.4-beta-2 so I cannot confirm that the icon shortcodes are working correctly with beta 2. Social icons that are not implemented via shortcode do work though. But again, the shortcodes for social icons do not work with beta 2.



    I just checked my topic, I have already installed Beta 2 too:

    And social icons are not appearing.



    when you updated did you overwrite the theme files or did you completely delete the theme and upload the new one?
    Please include an admin login & FTP access in the Private Content area so we can investigate.

    @Milan I have replied to your thread, let us continue there.

    Best regards,


    Turns out that @Milan had been using “text” widgets for the shortcode instead of the “html” widget, switching corrected the issue. Please check your widgets.
    I will be bringing this to the attention of the dev team.
    correction, dev team is aware of this issue with the “text” widget and is working on it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    using the HTML widget solved my problem indeed :)
    I think you can close this ticket.


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