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  • #967482

    Hi! I originally posted on someone’s thread but figured it would be best if I started my own thread in regards to the same issue to show there is more than one person with the same exact issue.

    I have a staging site on Enfold 4.1 and the live site on Enfold 4.4.

    The css for the image rollovers are now missing since upgrading to 4.4. The shortcodes.css file is actually shorter by over 4000 lines of code.

    Performance merging and compression are turned off and I have Template Builder Elements set to “Always Load All Elements” as I assumed this was the issue.

    Enfold 4.4

    Enfold 4.1

    This is a live site that we just launched I am going to roll back the theme in 24 hrs but I would like to share my findings with Kriesi to resolve it for future update.

    Other threads posted in the last 48 hrs with the same issue:

    Thank you for taking the time to look into this.


    I wanted to see if there is a response from the Kriesi team before I restore the theme back to 4.1 today?



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    . The shortcodes.css file is actually shorter by over 4000 lines of code.

    It’s shorter because the shortcode or elements has its own css and js files now. This is probably just a cache issue. Have you tried to toggle any settings in the new Performance panel? Disable the js and css compression temporarily. You may also need to purge the cache and re-minify the scripts and stylesheets.

    Best regards,

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