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  • #946091

    Hi, first a big thank you for the performance efforts in 4.3 and most of it seems to work even with other tools like WP Rocket.

    Should I enable both Enfolds CSS/Javascript merger and defering Javascripts etc and then use the same kind of features that WP Rocket has.

    I have enabling both since you are only limited to the theme’s CSS and Javascript while WP Rocket looks at everything. My hope is that it should be ideal to combine both i.e. you do your stuff first and then WP Rocket do the rest for other javascript and CSS and merge with your already merged ones?

    What’s your thoughts?


    Hey Terve,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Enabling the theme’s or the plugin’s compression or minification features simultaneously should not affect the site’s performance nor improve it so we recommend enabling just one option. It’s up to you. If you found improvements when both options are enabled then leave it as it is.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Ismael, I think that it should be some difference since you are just optimising within the Enfold theme and WP Rocket does it over all.
    I have done some initial tests and come to this:

    Size Speed score Yslow score #Requests
    Everything maximum enabled Enfold+WP R 850 Kb B (84%) C (74%) 33
    Everything maximum enabled Enfold+WP R disabled 788 kb B (82%) C (68%) 44

    Slightly better score with both and significantly less requests. I will continue to test. You may close this case now.

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