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  • #935937

    I have opened a ticket about this problem in my previous ticket and I don’t know why it has been closed:
    The problem has not been solved now. I have tried all the methods you told me but they did not work. I will attach my wp-logins and ftp information for checking. If this problem can not be solved now, could you please provide an old version theme for downgrade my theme? It is really important for my website. Thank you very much!!

    Here I copied my previous ticket description:

    Yesterday, after I upgraded my Enfold Child theme to 4.2.6, I have encountered this problem:
    At the top of my website, it appears two notice message:

    Notice: Undefined index: use_standard_lightbox in /home/bldcpump/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/functions.php on line 329
    Notice: Undefined index: use_standard_lightbox in /home/bldcpump/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/functions.php on line 358

    I searched the forum and found out somebody also encountered the same problem:

    I have upgrade my PHP version to PHP7.0 and I really don’t know how to solve this problem, could you provide some help? I will attached WP admin logins information in the private content.

    If you can not help, please could you send the old version Enfold? I want to downgrade my theme.

    In addition, is there any way to stop receiving the theme update notice? In fact, it is a real risk for my website.


    Hey jarred,

    Id it says that the constants are already defined, you need to edit them not to add again, I was not able to reach your files via FTP. The login is ok, but the files do not get listed, I get timeout.
    Please try to find where in config those constants are defined and update them.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Please use my cPanel account to login directly.

    I am sorry, I really don’t know how to edit them not to add again. I am very confused, I have used enfold theme more than 3 years, and updated it for many times. I never changed any settings and have never encountered such a problem before.

    best regards,



    Hi Jarred,

    Thank you. This is very weird, I changed your wp-config and the notices are supposed to go away, but they are still there. Could you please clear the server cache?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    I don’t know how to clear the server cache. There is a WP-rocket in my WordPress, and you can click to clear the cache and also clear my Cloudflare cache. It is useful when I changed some settings. But this time it did not work!

    In fact, I have tried your method in my previous ticket by myself, but as I said, it did not work. I really don’t know how should do now.

    best regards,


    Hi Jarred,

    I’ve added some code in functions.php and the notices are gone.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Yes, the problem seems been solved. Thank you very much!

    I want to know if this problem will happen after my next update? If yes, could you please tell me what code you have added to the functions.php? And you added it to the Enfold theme functions.php or Enfold child theme functions.php?

    best regards,



    Hi Victoria,

    And now I found another problem, the small thumbnail of my gallery became very transparent and smaller… I’m not sure if it’s affected by your code.

    Please refer 2 pages on my website:


    best regards,



    Hi Jarred,

    I see you have the header.php in your parent theme, did you update it with the new version? The lightbox classes are defined there and that could be outdated.

    Best regards,


    Hello, I too am having an issue with the update. Mine might be a bit different so please advise if I need to post in a different thread. When I check my current version on my child theme it still shows 4.2 for one of my sites and 4.2.6 for the other. I have the right username and API Keys inserted. Any reason why the one site did not update? Site which is still on 4.2 is listed in private content. Thank you for the help.


    Hi timbright,

    Have the automatic updates worked on that site before? Maybe you could you try updating manually via FTP? http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/updating-your-theme-files/

    Best regards,

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