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  • #922528

    After update to Enfold 4.2.6 i get only a blank page on opening my website.
    I can still login to backend (wp-content) but running my webpage leads to a blank page, need fix asap please!


    Hi kupecl,

    Could you please post FTP logins as well?
    Also, please make sure your PHP version is minimum 5.6 which is recommended minimum version for WordPress. Enfold is compatible up to 7.x.



    I switched the PHP Version at my Provider to 7.1.6 for the Website, but getting still just a blank site.



    I deactivated all plugins by remanimg plugins folder inside wp-content folder to old-plugin and that helped. Please activate your plugins one by one to find the culprit :)

    Best regards,


    I have same problem


    Hi mistermail,

    Can you please check server log for error?

    Best regards,


    i thought I solved this with this modified header.php from in this post:

    Unfortunately all my plugins does not work anymore! (all plugins has an “were deactivated because of an error”, and “plugin file not found!
    What can be done next?!


    Yigit, if the plugin Folder was renamend and I install a new plugin, like a calender app, will all my entries be gone?! do I have to rebuild all my contnet & Settings for all plugins? that would be definit nogo! is there not an other Workaround, like going back to previos Version, until this issues are fixed in the next update in 1-2 weeks?


    Hi kupecl,

    Please check the server log for the error text.

    Best regards,



    We´ve just got the same problem blank page after upgrading Enfold theme. We have the latest version of WP.

    The log says:

    AH01071: Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in /var/www/vhosts/[customer name]/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/enfold/header.php on line 6\n’



    Please upgrade PHP version to minimum 5.6 or replace /wp-content/themes/enfold/header.php file with this one –

    Best regards,


    THANK YOU Yigit, I replaced the header file and it solved our problem! =)
    Appreciate your fast support!



    Glad it worked for you! :)

    We will keep the thread open and will wait to hear from the creator of this thread. If you have any other questions or issues, please feel free to start a new thread.

    Best regards,


    i replaced the Header and Website worked. BUT I recognized that 2-3 plugins I used does not work and does produce error Messages, I can keep deactivate the plugins for now, as I do not use them in my active Content at the momemt. on of the plugins is for example: hi-counter-max.
    when activate this plugin the, the WordPress plugin site Reports an error in my Time-ly-Calender Plugin!! (not in the Counter hi-counter-max plugin). now the Website turns to blank page! Deactivating the hi-counter-max solves the Problem again.
    So far my findings. I can live with it for the Moment.



    Could you please contact plugin author as they should have more insight on what could be causing the issue. Maybe they have released an update to fix the issue or they will :)

    Glad it is working fine now! :)

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here –
    And if there are features that you wish Enfold had, you can request them and vote the requested ones here –
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to start new threads under Enfold sub forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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