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  • #903603

    Hello – I am asking that only MODS respond to this thread please as Yigit has said the other thread with a major discussion about this issue keeps getting bumped down in the mod queue each time another user comments. I would like to keep my place in the queue and get this addressed specifically since this is preventing me from upgrading my non-staging (production) site to 4.2.2. Thank you.

    I updated my staging site to 4.2.2. and while it fixed video issues for the most part (yay!) it created a new one. Pages that used to play video on iPad pro now play mobile fallback image. You can see this at work in Chrome — > Developer Tools –>then ipad Pro.

    Here’s the production site that is running 4.1.2 where this page works on iPad video:

    And the link to the staging site is in the private content section.

    Hoping you can replicate and help fix this problem.

    (again, mods only please in this thread, if you aren’t a mod and have comments, please add them to this thread: (hosted on WPengine)


    Hi Rob!

    I do not have an actual iPad Pro and when i tried replicating the issue, Youtube video worked on both sides on my end. I made sure to refresh the page once screen size is set to iPad Pro.
    Have you been able to reproduce this issue on an actual iPad Pro? If you are able to reproduce it on your computer, please let us know which OS and Chrome version you are using so we can try again with the same or similar setup.
    Unfortunately, as far as i know, no one from our team has iPad Pro but i will check with them :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit!

    I was at a friend’s house and used her iPad pro and it displayed the “fallback image” error. It also does it on Chrome –> Developer Tools — > Ipad Pro Windows 10 Chrome Version Version 63.0.3239.132.

    Let me know if you have trouble replicating and I can upload screenshots if that helps?



    PS I assume Safari patch will come in a future update? I did not realize Safari was having issues displaying full screen video until I saw posts on the forum and then used my friend’s Apple laptop.


    Hi Yigit,

    OK I just had trouble replicating and realized I had the settings wrong to replicate. To replicate this in Chrome developer tools:

    – Ipad Pro view
    – 1366 x 1024 screen (use the little symbol next to “online” to rotate it)
    – Refresh page (important)
    – It will say “Please set a mobile fallback image…”

    Hope this helps!


    Ps please make sure you’re going to page in private content below… staging site. Production site still running 4.1.2


    Hey Rob,

    I previously checked both staging and production site but apparently trick was to rotate :)

    Could you please share FTP and WP admin logins for your staging site?

    Best regards,


    Yes the rotating threw me off too… I’m hoping this is just a breakpoint issue.

    Credentials in private content below.



    Thanks for the information Rob! However i was not able to connect to your server. I attached the error i got in private content field. Could you please check it once again? WP admin logins are working fine :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit, just click “OK” to accept the new server key. That just means the server key was updated since your last access.

    Thanks for looking into this issue!



    Clicking “OK” does not help, i am afraid. I attached a screencast in private content field. Are you able to connect using these credentials?

    Best regards,


    Yigit, I’m sorry! User name was incorrect. Had to change password when I was diagnosing issue. New info in private field. I used Filezilla and got it, but it does give you that server key error and you have to click OK… hope this helps and sorry again.


    Typo above… should say “I used Filezilla and got IN” with these new credentials. Trying to post quickly since I know it’s late your time and I’m probably about to lose you for the day… :)



    Thanks for your kindness Rob :)

    Sadly, behaviour is the same when i click “OK” with new credentials.. Maybe we could try file manager on cPanel, if you do not mind. In the meantime, i will ask my teammates if they are able to connect.

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit, I’m sorry to hear that. Are you using Filezilla?
    I just tried again plugging above credentials in and while I get the server key warning, once I click OK it does log in and I see the files on the server.

    I will ask WP Engine about this… but if you haven’t tried Filezilla, I suggest you maybe try that? It’s freeware.



    I just checked with WP Engine support and they suggested you consult this article:

    He said that WP Engine doesn’t offer cpanel…. I did have it with Go Daddy but not with them.

    RE the key warning, he said “Okay, that is more of a warning saying “hey, you never connected to this host before, are you sure you are in the right place? we don’t recognize it” and you say yes and it lets you in.

    So once you connect to it, then it won’t throw that warning anymore.”

    Be sure in the private credentials you noticed that the user name changed as well from my initial credentials I gave you….?




    Thanks for the information Rob! Article helped :)

    I will look into the issue and keep you updated here. Even if i cannot manage to solve it, i will have more insight to pass to our devs. Hopefully we can include a fix in upcoming version so you can finally update :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Rob,

    I figured out what was causing the issue and applied a hotfix on your staging site. Could you please check it once again?

    I will now report it to our devs :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit, I have asked my friend to test it from her iPad pro, but on the Chrome development tools it shows grey screen. If you press “play’ it then plays music but no video….. :(


    Hey Rob,

    I added following code to bottom of Quick CSS field

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) {
     .av-video-slide.slide-1 .mejs-mediaelement {
        opacity: 1;

    Now it does play the video when you click on play button but it does not autoplay. In the meantime, let us wait to get the feedback from your friend :)



    Thanks… I think to have non auto play, which is different than current behavior, is less than ideal. If it’s not possible to go back to the way it works in 2.1.4, is it possible to reset the only_mobile breakpoint coding you gave me a long time ago to include iPad pro in the mobile view? Then only desktop will have autoplay feature.

    For my new property videos I am going to use Smart Slider 3 (which is AWESOME by the way) but I need these old pages to work when people go look at them.



    My friend pulled it up on her Mac and said it looks strange – flashing black and grey and then she had to push a button to launch video. I haven’t seen it myself. Do you guys know someone with a Mac over there? I am concerned that the emulation mode on Chrome just shows a grey screen….



    Hi Yigit, where are we on this now? Should I wait for 4.2.3 for the Safari fix too or update to 4.2.2? And what is the hotfix I would add to my production site? (Is it just the css above, or were there other files modified).

    I fear Enfold 9.0 will roll out and I’ll still be on 4.1.2…. :) :) :)



    Hi Rob,

    I actually work on Mac but i have not noticed such issues. Could she be using an older version of Chrome or macOS maybe? Chrome had such issues and i used to see them even on Youtube but i think it’s fixed already.

    Sorry, forgot to update you here. We made a detailed report to our devs yesterday about this issue and shared this thread as reference. Issue seems to be JavaScript related and since JS is not my strongest suit, i could not fix it myself but hopefully our devs will :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit, I think our messages posted simultaneously.. ESP! So at this point what should I do? Stay on 4.1.2 until 4.2.3 rolls out? I’m confused — did you decide your hotfix isn’t sufficient so devs need to work on it further?




    I was editing my post but then decide to update to page to avoid posting simultaneously again and you noticed too..ESP!!
    If my hotfix works for you, i can apply the same changes on your production site as well but i am pretty sure our devs will come up with a better solution. So depending on your decision, you can wait for 4.2.3 or update to 4.2.2 and we apply the hotfix to main site.

    Best regards,


    Thanks… sounds like I should wait for 4.2.3. Let’s hope the devs can roll it out quickly. I will leave my staging credentials in place for a couple of days in case they want to test 4.2.3 on my staging site.




    Thank you for that Rob!



    Additional thought in private content


    Hey Rob,

    Thanks for your recommendation :) I took a quick look and it seems really nice. We will discuss this with the team :)



    Great! Any update on when we will see 4.2.3 push out?


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