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  • #1371095

    Hi support,

    I have made a page with a tab feature where each tab naming starts with an emoji 🇩🇪 or 🇷🇺. When saving and updating the page, the emojis are displayed as intended. But then after a while they are suddenly gone. Why does this happen and how to prevent it from happening?

    This is the page: https://hatopia.de/hagen-4-ukraine/

    Find the login details in private content.

    Best regards, Peter


    Hey P3T3R_0ne,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    It is possible that the emoji gets removed when the builder cleans up the input field including the tab section title. Have you tried using images instead of emojis? You can set it in the tab sections’ Content > Tab Symbol settings.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    thank you for the reply. I experimented with content > tab symbol > image. However a lot of customisation would need to be made to achieve the result intended.

    I simply want it to look like in the screenshot here: https://imgur.com/a/HZ8kStB (https://hatopia.de/hagen-4-ukraine/) – clean and modern.

    It should not clean out the emoji. How to prevent it form removing the emoji? Maybe a bug in the enfold theme?

    Best regards, Peter


    Thanks for the link to your site, I imagine that they “disappear” if you edit the element because when I checked the emoji was not showing in the title field even though they show on the front end:
    The title fields don’t support html because this often breaks the elements, this is why the Dev Team has added warnings to most title fields, while an emoji is not actually html it is still a code entity.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    thank you for the reply. I just checked and indeed the emojis show in the front end even though gone in the title field. Earlier I saw them disappear in the front end, too.

    So, I expect they will be gone in the front end at some point in the future again.

    I understand the explanation given of why it gets deleted or so. However, in this case it seems perfectly fine and the result couldn’t be better with any custom code. So I still strive to have the emojis there permanently. Is there no solution?

    Best regards, Peter


    If you want to continue to use the emojis in the title fields just keep in mind to check them each time you update the page, at some point your page will be finished and you won’t be updating it anymore and at that point you won’t be losing the emojis anymore.
    Another option would be to add the emojis via CSS with the :before / :after selector see the example in this article.

    Best regards,


    In case you were having trouble with the css, I helped another thread with this css:

    .flying-money-emoji .av-special-heading-tag::after {
        content: "💸";
        display: inline !important;
        border: none !important;
        box-shadow: none !important;
        height: 1em !important;
        width: 1em !important;
        margin: 0 0.07em !important;
        vertical-align: -0.1em !important;
        background: none !important;
        padding: 0 !important;

    please see the example in the thread.
    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,

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