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  • #1443906

    Hello, I would like to embed images or small logos in certain points of the navigation, similar to (please see the point “Resources”). Is this possible in Enfold? Thank you very much for your support.


    Hey reqonsult,
    Please see our documentation for our mega menu, if this link doesn’t scroll to the Add Images to mega menu section automatically, please scroll down to it.

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike, I am referring to the section entitled “Add Images to mega menu”. That’s not quite what I meant. On the Perforce website, for example, there is an image embedded under the “Resources” menu item. Please see screenshot (Link). Is this possible in Enfold? Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by reqonsult.

    Your example looks like the mega menu is two columns with links on the left column and an image on the right.
    This video shows how to follow the steps, and around the 4 min mark it looks like your example
    Screen Shot 2024 07 30 at 7.28.12 PM
    please give this a try.

    Best regards,

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