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  • #1028181

    I’ve been trying to manipulate the styles on here so that Enfold’s default doesn’t mess up the form. As you can see, it’s very spaced out, the phone number cells have forced returns, etc. There were a long of issues trying to use the code block, so I placed it as a widget and used the custom HTML module there. That helped, but for the life of me I can’t get this right. I vaguely remember at one time there was a tag you could wrap the code in or something a long time ago maybe?

    Link and credentials below.


    OK, a lot more work and I think I’ve found solutions for everything, EXCEPT where the phone number inputs overflow to three lines. Any idea? Please and thank you!



    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    .page-id-71 input[type="text"] {
        width: auto;
        display: inline;

    Best regards,

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