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  • #23596

    Hello, the email visitor recieve contain 1 extra linebreak and this makes email ugly.

    Also I would appreciate if you could tell me where or how i can add perhaps a header image on top of all emails with our logo

    and perhaps add html or css to email so that it looks better?


    Hi Suicide Rescue,

    Which emails do you mean? Depending on your setup there are three different layouts (at least) that you could be referencing so a bit more clarification is needed.




    In Enfold, i can add a contact form and also specify the text included in the automatic email sent to the visitor.

    The “Thank you” email the visitor automatically gets has extra line break so text does not look like i entered it + saved.

    Also I wonder if i can edit email template used so that i include logo or other image and if yes, where can i find this file?

    Finlly I wonder if you know of any plug-in might that might be good to improved email functionality and look?

    Here: my reply was suppose to be:

    Hej och tack för du kontaktat Suicide Rescue!

    Vi kommer att återkoppla till dig inom kort med anledning av ditt meddelande.

    I brådskande ärenden är du välkommen att slå oss en signal på telefon: 073-692 70 10

    Med vänliga hälsningar,

    Johan Sjöholm, Inititativtagare Suicide Rescue

    But it looks like:

    Hej och tack för du kontaktat Suicide Rescue!

    Vi kommer att återkoppla till dig inom kort med anledning av ditt meddelande.

    I brådskande ärenden är du välkommen att slå oss en signal på telefon: 073-692 70 10

    Med vänliga hälsningar,

    Johan Sjöholm, Inititativtagare Suicide Rescue


    Finlly I wonder if you know of any plug-in might that might be good to improved email functionality and look?

    It depends – if you want to build advanced email forms + templates I’d recommend Formidable Contact Form. If you deactivate the standard formidable stylesheet it will look like the standard contact form but you can customize the autoresponder text, the email content (html code), etc.

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