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  • #670999

    Any idea why email is not working on the forms? Have a look at the third accordion. For this site, I set up several different emails for sales reps, and tested them out and it doesn’t go through. Right now I put in my own email address to test it out. Could you please take a look?


    Hi webdesign!

    Please refer to this post – http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/my-contact-form-is-not-sending-emails/



    No such luck. I checked spelling, tried different domain names/gmail addresses, and I’m not getting anything. I also tried the code in my child functions page. Do you have any other suggestion? I have Ninja forms on my site that I am using elsewhere, but not for these email forms. I could try switching to using their plugin? I’d like, however, to get the theme form to work.



    It might be a good idea to switch to your plugin to verify that your installation is able to send emails at all, if that is not the case then I would contact your hosting provider to see if they can see anything going wrong on the mail server.

    Best regards,


    Thanks. I went ahead and just created Ninja forms for the email contacts, instead of using the form that came with the theme. There must have been a conflict between the two, and since I needed Ninja for another form, I just went with that.

    Thanks again!



    Glad it’s sorted. If you have more questions please create a new ticket we will be glad to help :)

    Best regards,

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