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  • #530402

    When you create a Contact Form on a page, how do you determine what email address will be used to send the contact form to the specified emails listed? Right now it pulls the email address the user enters on the form.

    When users fill out the form (we have several emails listed, who receive a copy of the form’s filled out content) and not all of them were receiving it, and now no one is…


    Hi svmmarcom!

    that would actually require a lot of customisation, to add multiple email addresses as recipients of the form.
    Do you want to use the enfold form, or yyou are ok using a third party plugin?



    Whatever would not require a lot of customization!

    Is there a way to link the current forms to the Contact Form DB wp plugin?



    Please try using Contact Form 7 plugin –
    You can find documentation here –


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