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  • #1083871

    Hello, It seems that I am having an issue with my Click-to-email functionality on the site. I have built envelope icons with this code mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) to make the Icons open up an email application to send email, ex via Gmail. It seems that when the email gets sent, it messed up, and my host has helped me isolate the issue to this: Instead of sending the email to mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) , it sends it to mailto: (Email address hidden if logged out) @ (Email address hidden if logged out) . So it pulls in the @email.com part x3 which is making it have a sending error.
    Do you have any ideas on what might be causing this issue? Below in the private area, I am going to send you the chat transcript, and also the login details to my website.



    Hey Lauren,
    Sorry for the late reply, I took a look at your site and the email icons and the email addresses, all of which are working for me.
    I use the chrome browser and gmail as my email client, when I click them gmail opens for me and I get no error when sending.
    Please see the screenshot in Private Content area.
    Also when I hover over the icons my browser show the link address and it is correct, without any extra @email.com
    What email client are you using that is trying to send to the wrong address?
    There must be a setting in it for it to recognize the mailto: correctly
    have you tried using different browsers to click the link?

    Best regards,


    Hi, Mike:

    Discovered that the email error was due to placing MailTo: (Email address hidden if logged out) code into the space to type. When we only added the email address alone, it resolved the problem.



    Glad to hear you got it sorted out. I assume we can close this now, but I like to ask. Shall we close this then?

    Best regards,

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