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  • #565982

    Yesterday I spotted this thread appear on the forums and followed it with great interest: as I have the very same problem.

    For my own website I have W3 Total Cache installed, minify options I believe are correctly set up and I am using Cloudflare. Should I still install this plug in – as suggested by @Rikard ?

    While doing some testing I have found that your own websites also report the same problem as you can see here: (Score 55/100) (Score 47/100)

    Now I confess to being a total idiot when it comes to understanding a lot of this stuff and before I purchased this wonderful theme I had never even seen wordpress let alone heard of things like minify, CSS, JS and all the rest. Numbers though they seem easy enough to understand, surly 55 & 47/100 are low in terms of speed? If they was more like 75 to 80/100 then I most likely wouldn’t even complain. My own site and both get a red ! for Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content how exactly will minify help here? For sure this has to be a code problem your side?

    Talking of which….
    The pink errors have to be a problem with your code, what about the yellow ones? Are they mine or yours?

    I would really love some help, input or just a simple “we know all about and just be patient and wait on the next update”. As I can imagine the recent updates to wordpress have most likely changed a few things.

    As for as I am concerned the only things that matter are keeping Google and Moz happy – rank and authority are king no?


    Resources with a “?” in the URL are not cached by some proxy caching servers. Remove the query string and encode the parameters into the URL for the following resources:

    Is another I get


    Two days now and not even a reply?



    You will get that “error” on any page you analyse which is using JavaScript and CSS, all files are needed where they are for the look and functionality of the theme. Using a minify plugin will put all of the files the google tool doesn’t like together into one, but you will still get the same error afterwards.

    If you reply to your own topic you send it to the back of our support queue so please try to refrain from doing that.




    Just as an example, try running through their own tool:, it’s a bit ironic, isn’t it?



    I have the same issue with “Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content” error on google’s page speed tool. Btw, is scoring 100% across the board. :)



    Ok, they score 92/100 when I try it:

    Avoid landing page redirects
    Your page has 2 redirects. Redirects introduce additional delays before the page can be loaded.

    But the point I made earlier in the thread is still valid, you will get this “error” on any page you run through it which is loading javascript/CSS in the header.

    You can try for instance:


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