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  • #427871

    I would like to increase the padding of the background applied to text when using the Fullscreen Slider. You can see the text on the home page,

    I would like for the black box to more vertically rectangle, so a large top and bottom padding, with some increased left padding. I would also like the entire container to have less of a left padding, possibly having the text and background only be 100px from the left.

    If I can just be pointed in the right direction of what CSS classes to edit, that would be perfect.


    Hi haydaw!

    Please add following code to Quick CSS

    .caption_framed .slideshow_caption .avia-caption-content p, .caption_framed .slideshow_caption .avia-caption-title, .avia-caption .avia-caption-content p, .avia-caption .avia-caption-title { padding: 20px 80px; }
    .caption_left .slideshow_caption { left: -50px; }



    Hey Yigit,

    Thanks! Unfortunately this did not seem to work, I even applied the !important afterwards.

    I’d be more than happy to provide login details.

    I also had another question I forgot to mention, how can I change the font weight to 300?


    This reply has been marked as private.


    You had an unclosed curly bracket in your custom CSS code. I closed it and added font weight of 300 to captions. Please review your website now



    Is it appropriate to say I love you?

    Thanks for helping with this and my other threads!



    Sure, why not ;D
    You are welcome Haydaw, we are always happy to help. Let us know if you have any other questions or issues!


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