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  • #23805


    I am using the easy slider with 3 images and some text. I would like the images to be smaller but the only option on the image size which seems to work is the Entry with Side Bar option. If I use any of the others even if they should have smaller size, they still come out larger. I have tried re-sizing my images and that doesn’t seem to work either.

    It’s on the home page here

    Any suggestions?



    I already reported the issue to Kriesi.

    You can put the EasySlider inside a column, I think that’s the other workaround when using the EasySlider.





    Not really a bug, its just the way the slider is supposed to work. The slider will always take up as much space as possible.

    If you want to constrain it please do as Ismael suggested and put it into a column element :)



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