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  • #1425159

    Hi There,

    I have discovered the Dynamic_Avia folder is full of thousands of files (4.8GB)… In fact it’s forced me to upgrade my hosting package which I didn’t want (or need) to do. Although I can see the issue I don’t know what to do about it. Can I stop Enfold from stuffing this folder? I’ve been reading the forum for hours and hours reading all the threads that relate to this… In fact I’ve followed the instructions in the link below and deleted all of the merged css- and js-files but it caused problems with my website so I had to restore everything. Is it okay to delete some of the contents of the Dynamic_Avia folder? (I have switched off File Merging And Compression in the performance tab of theme options)

    I am happy to pay for support if required




    Hey envatobunny,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Disabling the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings should halt the generation of compressed stylesheets and scripts in the dynamic_avia folder. You can also add the following filter in the functions.php file to prevent the creation of post css files.

    function custom_avf_post_css_create_file( $create )
    	return false;
    add_filter( 'avf_post_css_create_file', 'custom_avf_post_css_create_file', 10, 1 );

    After disabling compression and the post css file, you can manually delete the contents of the dynamic_avia folder. However, please make sure to create a site backup or restore point first before proceeding with the deletion.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    I followed your instructions:

    1. I created a back up / restore point
    2. I Disabled CSS file merging and compression (Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings)
    3. I added the code provided to functions.php file (At the bottom)
    4. I manually deleted the contents of the dynamic_avia folder

    When I checked the website it looked quite different… In fact every page I looked at had lost some kind of styling or background et cetera. So I have had to run a full restore.

    I have read the links below several times but still cannot figure out what to do

    Some other points:

    In this thread (https://kriesi.at/support/topic/delete-contents-of-public_html-wp-content-uploads-dynamic_avia) to Geert you said “Did you check the option to delete the old CSS and JS files under Enfold->Performance? If not then please try doing so”. I have looked for this option but I can’t see it.

    Do I need to add the code you provided in the thread above after each upgrade? How important is this code and how come it doesn’t ship with the software? (please forgive me I am in front end user and don’t understand this very well)

    As I host with Site Ground I use SG Speed Optimizer (https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/sg-cachepress) that includes Memcached, Minify CSS Files, Combine CSS Files so presumably I do not need to use Enfold’s performance options?

    I’m going to need a bit more help to get this problem solved

    Thank you




    Thank you for the update.

    1. I created a back up / restore point
    2. I Disabled CSS file merging and compression (Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings)
    3. I added the code provided to functions.php file (At the bottom)
    4. I manually deleted the contents of the dynamic_avia folder

    You may need to resave the theme options in order to regenerate the dynamic stylesheet after deleting the old ones. Please do the steps again, then make sure to resave the theme options afterward. We recommend disabling the cache and compression plugins while testing.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    I followed your new instructions:

    1. I created a back up / restore point
    2. I Disabled CSS file merging and compression (Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings)
    3. I added the code provided to functions.php file (At the bottom)
    4. I Deactivated to speed optimiser plug-in provided by SiteGround
    5. I manually deleted the whole dynamic_avia folder & contents (bc time-consuming selecting 1000’s of individual files)
    6. I changed one of the theme options (in this case blog post layout – from elegant to modern)
    7. I saved changes
    8. It looks like it worked! I can see the dynamic_avia folder has been recreated & contains 3 new files

    Thank you for your support and for what I think is possibly the best theme on the available

    I thought it appropriate to post this here as others may find it useful




    Hi Philip,

    Great, I’m glad that you got things working, and thanks for sharing your experience. It’s much appreciated :-)

    Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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