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  • #602759

    Normally when using the editor I coud create a content area and then color box area and drag the color box into it. But I can’t seem to do that anymore in firefox or chrome. It just gets stuck on screen. See screenshot please. How do I fix this?

    My goal is to create a color area and put the masonry into it so it will not be full width.

    I’ve followed this instructions to try and get this to work


    Hey miltonjeffrey1!

    Thanks for reaching out to us!

    Could you please provide a link and login details to your site, so that we can have a closer look. You can place the information in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    I have posted in the private section below.


    It’s working now today I think there was some plugin causing issues. So no need to put time into looking into this.

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