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  • #1048165


    We have a problem with Download Package URL: Errorcode 404 returned by Envato: Not Found:. We have the Enfold version 4.5.1 and Word Press 5.0.2. The similar problem occurs on a few of our websites, however, other our websites will be updated properly.
    Manually checking does not find any new update. Can be possible to update our page by uploading a new theme via interface? Where is possible to download the theme version 4.5.2? There is only 4.5.1 on Themeforest, (btw. we can see there the following notice Download not available
    Whoops! Looks like you’ve already downloaded this item 20 times in the last 24 hours. That’s the daily limit! Come back in 24 hours to download it again.
    even we did not download our theme such many times).

    Thank you.


    Hey mjakubicek,

    Please check this thread: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/download-limit-in-envato-stopping-me-updating-to-4-5-1/
    Hope it helps.

    Best regards,

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