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  • #204242

    Hey Guys from, which you all a happy new year!

    Is it possible to display the feature image from a single post above the text on smartphone?

    We use a multi author blog with the settings for an multi author single post (big image above and little author image on the left), but if we look the single post on smartphone, the feature image isn´t display. Is there a way to change this?

    It works fine on tablet..

    We work with the newest version of enfold..

    Best regards!


    Hey Bruno!

    Can we see a sample post live where that is happening? I don’t know of any blog layouts where the featured image gets hidden on mobile only.



    Hey Devin,

    I´m sorry. It seems that it was a caching problem on my iPhone.

    In the Theme-Options I changed today the settings from “little featured Image”(first option) to multi-author with the big-image and the small author on the side (third option).

    It seems that it just don´t show the small picture from first option, but now It works with the big one above the article.

    It´s fine, so sorry, please close. Thanks!


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