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  • #1317182

    Theme: Enfold
    Installed: enfold
    AviaFramework Version: 5.0
    AviaBuilder Version: 4.8
    aviaElementManager Version: 1.0.1
    – – – – – – – – – – –
    ChildTheme: Enfold Child
    ChildTheme Version: 1.0
    ChildTheme Installed: enfold

    Compress: CSS:disabled – JS:disabled
    Updates: enabled – token has changed and not verified

    Using a Color Section and a WebP image for the Background Image. When I edit the settings of the Color Section, the WebP background image has disappeared. A JPEG image is fine and can be seen when editing the background image.

    What is the problem please?

    Thank you and best wishes.


    i hope that they will soon add these additonal image formats:



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    As suggested by @Guenni007 we added svg and webp to filter list.

    Please replace


    with the content of


    – Do not forget to make a backup of the original file for a fallback
    – Clear server and browser cache

    If you need help please let us know and we can do it for you.

    Best regards,


    Hi Günter – thanks




    Thanks – uploaded the wrong file. Fixed it.

    Best regards,


    Many thanks for the help @guenni007 @Günter.

    File FTP’ed with no problem. Logged into the WP Dashboard, edited the page to use the WebP image, saved and re-edited the page and the image is still in place.

    The main issue is that the image displays on Windows 10 but not on Android or IOS? I thought WP automatically created backwards compatibility with a JPEG version?

    Thanks again.



    Did you read https://make.wordpress.org/core/2021/06/07/wordpress-5-8-adds-webp-support/ chapter “Using WebP images”

    Seems not all browsers support webp yet.

    There is a polyfill to load: https://github.com/chase-moskal/webp-hero

    Best regards,


    Hello and thank you @Günter for your advice.

    Imagify supports JPEG fallback, but adds extra HTML. I’ll stick with JPEG for the time being.

    Best wishes and the ticket can be closed, many thanks.



    You are welcome.

    Enjoy the theme and have a great day.

    Best regards,

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