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  • #476209

    I’m running a Spreadshirt store at the moment and I’m able to integrate my shop onto my website as per their instructions. I do so using the following code:

    <div id="myshop"></div>
        var spread_shop_config= {
            "shopName" : "*my shop id*",
            "locale" : "us_US",
            "prefix" : "//",
            "baseId" : "myshop"
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

    The only down side is when I integrate my shop, the enfold theme settings overrides the settings that I’ve set up on my spreadshirt shop.css so buttons (eg for the sizes appear as blank boxes and the “red” add to cart button becomes “black”. Is there a away to disable enfold theme settings by adding something to my existing code or to the enfold quick css?



    Hey shoo!

    You could try to add the !important statement just before the ending ; in your shop.css file. Otherwise you can add the following, though it will only affect the page you linked, otherwise it will apply to the entire theme:

    .page-id-1096 div .main_color .button {
      background-color: red !important;
      border-color: red !important;
    .page-id-1096 .SprdMain .Filter.colorAndSize .Selector.size .item {
    background-color:black !important;



    That’s awesome Rikard, managed to get it the way I want it, with your code thanks.

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