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  • #208873

    Hi there,

    I have installed the multi language plug in for Enfold and was wondering if I can use different url’s for one orderbutton. Our shopping part of the site has been tailor made in different languages. It uses /country/ to distinct which language to use. In the front end (Enfold) we will use the multi language plug. The URL for ordering in our shopping system needs to be different though: for english and for Dutch. When an English customer clicks the order button a different URL needs to be used. Will that be possible? If so, how?

    Thanks for your help.

    David Verburg


    Hi David!

    Yes, if you’re using WPML you can install this plugin: to translate your WooCommerce cart and customer account pages. If you’re not using WPML and/or WooCommerce I don’t know the answer – in this case I recommend to contact the plugin author of the shopping cart or translation plugin and ask him if (and how) you can translate the urls.

    Best regards,


    Hi Peter,

    Thks 4 your fast reply. We are using WPML, not Woocommerce (nice plug in though). Should I ask the question to WPML than?




    Yes please because I don’t know if WPML supports your shopping cart and how you need to set it up to use it with the shopping cart plugin.


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