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  • #471829

    Hi, is it possible to have a different Content | Sidebar Ratio for my blog?
    For my website I want the sidebar to be minimal so I’ve set it to 80% | 20%. For blog, because the side bar holds more content, I want it something like 60% | 40%.
    Please let me know if it’s possible, thanks!


    Hi shoo!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Yes, it’s possible. You can adjust the content width in the Quick CSS field:

    .container .av-content-small.units {
      width: 73%;

    If you want to use this code for a particular page, you need to get the page id.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael, thanks for the reply. Where should I place the page id in that code? Thanks again.



    Please use the code as following to target one page only

    .page-id-59 .container .av-content-small.units {
      width: 73%;

    You can right click on Chrome or Firefox to inspect elements to find page ID’s



    Hi Yigit thanks for the quick response, but for some reason the CSS code is not working. When I tried inspect elements, I can’t locate page Id, so I’ve downloaded a plugin (Reveal IDs). But still no luck.



    Please use the code as following instead

    .blog .container .av-content-small.units {
      width: 73%;



    Perfect! Thanks again :)

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