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  • #895209


    When using woocommerce with enfold there is a difference in the design between the placement of text below category thumbnails and text below product thumbnails.

    With product thumnails the text has a 15 px padding.
    The category thumnails don’t have this and the text is to far to the left.

    But adding padding to category thumbnails breaks overall design.

    I’ve added screenshots. (padding is green)


    Hey Wolf,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please provide a link to the page with the products so that we can inspect them. Are you referring to the category images in the main shop page?

    Best regards,


    I will have to wait till the shop goes live, it is in localhost atm.
    I cant find an example in the enfold demo’s because you don’t use a category displaying subcategories.

    I am reffering to the placement of text below the thumbnails of subcategories on a category page (displaying only sub-categories).


    Found it! thanks anyway



    Glad that you fixed it. Please feel free to open a new thread if you need anything else. :)

    Best regards,

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